Allergy Treatments

The NAET technique was developed in 1983 by Dr Devi Nambudripad.

The theoretical basis of the method is a combination of knowledge derived from allopathic medicine, oriental medicine and acupuncture, kinesiology and nutrition.

According to NAET An allergy is an adverse physical, physiological, and/or psychological response of an individual towards one or more substances also known as allergens. However, these substances may be harmless, well tolerated or even useful for most people.

The NAET approach is the same for full-blown allergies involving the release of immunoglobulin type E (IgE-mediated reactions) in the body, and for intolerances, sensitivities and hypersensitivities (non-IgE mediated reactions). The technique diagnoses and treats them all in the same way.

If we apply the fundamental tenet of oriental medical theory which asserts that everything on earth is surrounded by an electromagnetic field or frequency, this "adverse response" can be defined as "an energy imbalance (in the body) caused by the clash between two or more incompatible energies or frequencies. This conflict creates energy blockages in the meridians (energy pathways), and accumulated blockages can cause various complaints and pathological conditions. These incompatible energies or energy imbalances are considered synonymous with "allergies" in the context of the NAET method.

Furthermore, this principle implies that an individual is potentially allergic to "any substance under the sun, including sunlight itself", not excluding his or her own organs and tissues.

The hypothesis is: that allergic reactions are determined by the way in which the brain perceives the substance in question. If the brain considers the substance a threat to the body, it will order the immune system to mobilise its defences to fight the "invasion". This manifests as an allergic reaction whose initial signs are generally aimed at "chasing the intruder away".

However, more often than not this perception is erroneous and our brain actually betrays us by triggering an inappropriate response. This faulty perception may be due to both cellular mutation or damage which has taken place over several generations and to the difficulties the human body encounters when it has to adapt to a constantly evolving environment (chemicals, climate, processed foodstuffs, technology, etc.).

This is why allergic reactions generally have very little to do with the intrinsic properties of the substances that trigger them. It also explains why some substances are severely allergenic for some individuals but totally harmless or even vitally important (nutrients, for example) for others.

As this theory was further developed it was discovered that if the roots of the sympathetic nervous system are given specific stimuli the brain will receive messages that enable it to correct its faulty perception of the substance concerned (the equivalent of a computer "reset"). These new messages will be permanently imprinted in the brain after a number of other acupressure/acupuncture points have been stimulated, provided the patient follows certain precise rules for a specified time period after the treatment.

This "reprogramming" constitutes the core part of the NAET methodology, and this theory has been extensively verified for more than fifteen years with highly satisfactory, long-lasting results.

After the treatment, the incompatibly or clash of energies disappears completely and there is no trace of allergy, sensitivity or intolerance when the patient next comes into contact with the substance. This is because NAET treats the cause of the allergy, not the resulting symptoms.